How Do I Care for My Baby's Teeth?

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baby’s teeth with care.

As soon as your child is born, the baby should get proper dental care. Yes, even in cases when the first tooth is not yet fully developed and there are only a few sensitive pink gums in the mouth. Certain feeding practices, dietary habits, and environmental elements can influence your child’s future appearance, speech patterns, and health from the moment of birth. In this blog, we will advise you on important factors to take into account when caring for your infant’s dental health needs.

Why Do Baby Teeth Matter?

Babies' teeth are really cute! Yet even though baby teeth seem to be intended specifically for endless adorable pictures, they are vital to the development of your child's gums and permanent teeth.

Often known as primary teeth, baby teeth help your child with:

  • Eating with a good chewing technique
  • Putting sounds and words together to speak coherently
  • Preserving the required area in the jaw until the arrival of permanent teeth

These are all excellent reasons for you to give your child the best dental treatment before they are old enough to do it on their own. If you take good care of your infant, you can effectively prevent them from developing:

  • Tooth decay, or cavities, begin as white spots on teeth and eventually turn black or brown as they get bigger.
  • Gum disease, which arises when plaque accumulates within your baby's mouth and causes red, puffy, and bleeding gums.

Regretfully, in the occurrence that gum disease causes your child's baby teeth to decay or fall out early:

  • Your child's permanent teeth can come out unevenly or crowded.
  • Your child may experience difficulty speaking.

Thus, make sure you don’t pass up any chances to snap pictures of your little love showing off their adorable mini-chompers. Additionally, set up a dental hygiene routine for your child to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile forever.

How to Take Care of My Baby’s Teeth and Gums?

You have to remember that a mother’s health is essential throughout pregnancy and while nursing for her baby’s well-being. A mother’s and her child’s food must be well-balanced and high in nutrients. Additionally, be informed that some prescription drugs may negatively impact your child’s oral health. For example, prolonged or repetitive short-term usage of the antibiotic tetracycline by nursing women may result in discoloration of your baby’s teeth.

takes care of her baby's teeth
Mom takes care of her baby's teeth

Taking Care of Your Baby's Gums

Take care of your baby's teeth and gums from the moment they are born, just like you do:

After each meal, whether your baby is six months old or younger, eliminate bacteria from their gums by:

  • Putting a wet, soft gauze bandage over your finger or placing a terry-cloth finger cot on your index finger.
  • Gently massage your baby's gums with the cot or gauze.

Brushing your Baby’s Teeth

Brushing becomes essential between the ages of 6 months and 2 when your child's teeth start to grow. It's time for you to start:

  • Using mild, fluoridated infant toothpaste and wide-handled, small-headed toothbrushes with soft bristles
  • Whether brushing one tooth or several, use a tiny bit of toothpaste—the size of a grain of rice—on the toothbrush and gently scrub.

Habits to Maintain the Health of Your Child's Teeth

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has provided guidelines for preventing cavities in infants and early children.

No bottles in bed

When your child goes to sleep with a bottle in their mouth, the sugars from breast milk and formula stay on their teeth and cause tooth decay. Choose water instead, or gradually break the habit..

Handle pacifiers, cups, and spoons with care

Use caution when handling cups, utensils, and pacifiers. Bacteria that cause tooth decay can spread quickly from one mouth to another. Therefore, you should refrain from doing things like tasting your baby's food before giving them a bite from the same spoon or placing a pacifier in your mouth and then giving it to them.

Baby mouths should be cleaned after every feeding

Establishing a healthy habit for your baby is crucial, even before their first teeth grow. After every meal, use a fresh, moist washcloth or gauze pad to gently wipe the gums. When infant teeth grow, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a rice grain).

Minimize sweets and sticky fruits

Some foods can adhere to a child's teeth, providing sugar for harmful bacteria to eat. Gummy candies, taffy, fruit roll-ups, raisins and other dried fruits, and snack bars with honey or molasses are examples of sticky foods that cause dental damage. Limit the amount of these items your child eats, and after they eat them, have them brush or rinse with simple water.

Make water the go-to beverage for the family

The best water for your child's teeth is regular tap water, which typically contains fluoride to improve tooth enamel. By staying hydrated, your child's mouth is kept clean, and salivary flow is maintained, which helps eliminate bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Research up on fluorine

Research going back decades has demonstrated that fluoride is a dental decay-fighting superhero. The majority of children receive the recommended amount of fluoride from toothpaste and tap water.

When is the Right Time to take my Baby to the Dentist?

It's time to make an appointment for your baby to see the dentist when their first tooth grows. Now is the perfect moment to find out more about children's dental health and what you'll need to do as they become older.

With time, your dentist may assist you in establishing a healthy family routine by going over everything from how to fit young athletes with the proper mouthguard to teaching small hands to brush and floss.

Want to learn how to take care of a baby's teeth? Call us today at (365) 398-5838

A lifetime of good oral health begins with healthy baby teeth. Speaking clearly, smiling boldly, and properly chewing our food are all made possible by our teeth, which also nourish our bodies and promote general health. However, if you take good care of your infant's teeth and gums, you'll be giving them a great start in life!


Q: When should I begin brushing my baby teeth?

Soon after birth, begin using a gentle, moist cloth to clean your baby's gums. Use a tiny, soft-bristled toothbrush as soon as the first tooth grows, which is typically about six months of age.

Q: How often should I brush the teeth of my baby?

Two times a day, one in the morning and one right before bed, brush your baby's teeth.

Q: Which kind of toothpaste is best for use?

For kids under three, use a smear of fluoride toothpaste; for kids between three and six, use a pea-sized amount.

Q: When should I book my child's first dentist appointment?

If your child's first tooth emerges within six months of their first birthday, make an appointment for them to see a dentist.

Q: How can I keep my baby's teeth from decaying?

Limit sugary snacks, don't give your kid sugary drinks in a bottle, and don't give them a bottle of milk or juice before bed.

  • Victoria Bentley

    Victoria Bentley

    Content Contributor

     Victoria Bentley stands at the forefront of dental and public health, holding a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree and a Master's in Public Health (MPH). Her career is characterised by a dual commitment to clinical excellence and advocating for widespread access to oral healthcare. Dr. Bentley's research has been... Read More

  • Jonathan Windsor

    Jonathan Windsor

    Content Contributor

    Jonathan Windsor, DMD, MPhil, is a pioneering figure in the dental profession, recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to research, clinical practice, and literature. With a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree and a Master's in Philosophy (MPhil), Windsor's career is highlighted by his profound impact on contemporary approaches to oral... Read More

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