How Much Does a Smile Makeover Cost?

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How Much Does a Smile Makeover Cost?

Table of contents

  1. Ways to Get a Smile Makeover
    1. Spacing and Alignment
    2. Missing Teeth
    3. Colour of Your Teeth
    4. Cracks and Chips
  2. Smile Makeover Cost and Duration
    1. Your Current Teeth
    2. Your Treatment Plan
    3. Your Dentist
  3. Maintaining Your Smile Makeover
    1. Finish Your Plan
    2. Visit the Dentist
    3. Brush and Floss
    4. Get a New Toothbrush
  4. How Will You Give Yourself a Smile Makeover?
Smiling can be an excellent way to express that you're happy. But if your smile embarrasses you or is affecting your oral health, it might be time to consider a smile makeover. Then, you can smile and laugh freely. You don't have to worry about hiding your teeth in pictures or when around others. Read on to learn about how you can get a smile makeover and how much it costs.

Ways to Get a Smile Makeover

When considering the cost of a smile makeover, you should think about what you want to change about your smile. Many things go into your smile, so you may want to change one part or more. For example, one person may be happy with veneers or teeth whitening. Another person may want to get a smile makeover with clear aligners to fix their teeth. Think about your teeth as they are now and what you'd like to improve. Then, you can consider the following ways to get a smile makeover.

Spacing and Alignment

If you don't like the alignment of your teeth, you can correct it. Spacing and alignment can be a huge part of your smile, and fixing that may help improve your confidence. Two of the most common ways to change your teeth spacing is with braces or aligners. Invisible aligners are the easiest option because you can correct your teeth without adding something visible to your teeth. And you don't always have to have regular dentist visits like you would if you got braces. Sometimes, a smile makeover can have a financial and mental cost if they affect your appearance, but no one else needs to know if you use invisible aligners.

Missing Teeth

For one reason or another, you may have a missing tooth. If the space is far enough in the front, it can be worth fixing with a smile makeover. You may get a dental implant or dentures to cover the space. Then, you can make your teeth look good, and you can feel good about smiling. As you get older or develop gum disease, losing teeth isn't uncommon. Fortunately, it's easy enough to change with a good smile makeover.

Colour of Your Teeth

Tooth discolouration is natural as you get older, but you may still want to makeover your smile with white teeth. ALIGNERCO offers a free teeth whitening kit to help you achieve the colour you want. Whitening your teeth is an easy way to give yourself a smile makeover. Whether you want to make other adjustments to your teeth or not, changing the colour can make you feel much better. You can use surface whiteners or bleaches to whiten your teeth. Make sure you talk to your dentist so that you can whiten your teeth without damaging them.

Cracks and Chips

Your teeth may also develop cracks or chips at some point. Even if others can't see those things, you know they're there, and that can be enough to make you want a smile makeover. Veneers are probably the most popular way to makeover a smile with cracks or chips. You will need to visit a dentist a few times to consult with them on the veneers, develop moulds of your teeth, and place the veneers. However, that long process can be worth it if you don't like the way the chips or cracks make your teeth look. Then, you can feel confident when you smile.

Smile Makeover Cost and Duration

While you may choose the type of smile makeover based on the change you want, you should also consider how much it will cost and how long it will take. Multiple factors can affect the cost of dental procedures and other makeover options. Don't let paying for a smile makeover force you to put it off. However, it's still important to know so that you can set a realistic budget for the process. That way, you'll be able to get the smile you want, so you can be excited to smile. Think about the following factors that may affect your smile makeover cost.

Your Current Teeth

First, consider the current state of your teeth and what you want to change. For example, you may be able to whiten your teeth at home with an affordable kit, and you may see results in a short period. However, if you want to whiten your teeth, use invisible aligners, and add veneers, that will take longer. Paying for cosmetic dentistry will also cost more than doing something at home. Everyone is different, so think about what you want to do. Try not to let others' opinions of what you should or shouldn't do affect your decision.

Your Treatment Plan

Depending on the changes you want to make, some treatment plans cost more. Veneers can be quite expensive, especially if you get them on multiple teeth. And they don't last forever, so you'll need to pay for replacements occasionally. Braces can also be expensive, and they require regular appointments to readjust. On the other hand, at-home treatments, such as invisible aligners and teeth whitening kits can be very affordable. If you're on a tight budget, consider treatments that won't cost as much but can still give you the results you want.

Your Dentist

As mentioned, at-home treatments are usually more affordable than going to a professional. However, not all dentists will charge the same, so you may want to shop around. A dentist who works in an area with a higher cost of living may charge more. They might also raise their prices after they gain years of experience in the profession. Consider if you have to go to a dentist to get the best smile makeover for you. If not, you may save money and time with invisible aligners or another at-home option.

Maintaining Your Smile Makeover

Another thing to consider when looking at teeth whitening or invisible aligners cost is what you need to do to maintain the changes. If you don't keep up with your dental care, you may need to spend more money and time fixing your smile again. As you choose how to makeover your smile, consider what you'll need to do now and in the future. Then, you won't waste your money or time. Instead, you can make sure you enjoy your smile, and you can keep it looking good and healthy.

Finish Your Plan

Once you choose a makeover plan, you should go through with the entire process. It can be easy to get lazy with invisible aligners or teeth whiteners when you see some change. However, if you stop using the treatment too soon, your results may not last. Your teeth may not stay in alignment, so you may need to get another set of moulds for new aligners. Then, you have to go through the process again, so you might spend way more time in the long run. Make sure you stick with the plan until you finish so that you can get the best possible results.

Visit the Dentist

You should also schedule regular appointments with your dentist. They can look at your teeth and check for things you might miss at home, such as signs of gum disease. A dentist can also work with you on your treatment, even if you do it at home. They might recommend when and how to use teeth whiteners, or they might tell you they can see the change from you using invisible aligners. Even if you follow a treatment plan exactly, it doesn't hurt to consult with an expert. Your dentist can tell you that you're doing everything right, or they can help you correct anything you're doing wrong.

Brush and Floss

When it comes to any smile makeover, you should get in the habit of brushing and flossing each day. Doing those things can keep your teeth healthy on a daily basis, so you can have a better dentist appointment. If you use teeth whitener to get rid of stains, brushing can support that by getting rid of acids that may cause stains. Then, you won't have to whiten your teeth as often. You can also brush and floss to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you've had to remove a tooth, you can keep the rest of your mouth healthy to avoid more extractions.

Get a New Toothbrush

Another thing you can do is get a good toothbrush to support that brushing routine. You can use an electric or manual toothbrush, so consider which you prefer. Either way, make sure you replace the brush or brush head when the bristles get too soft. That way, you can make sure your toothbrush cleans your teeth evenly and effectively. If you need a schedule, put an alert on your calendar to change your toothbrush every few months.

How Will You Give Yourself a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover may seem like a small thing, but it can do wonders for your confidence. If you struggle to smile because of your teeth, invisible aligners are a safe, convenient option. That way, you can get the smile you want, and you can feel good about yourself. And you don't have to worry about going to multiple expensive dentist appointments. Are you ready to change your teeth alignment? Fill out our survey to get a free assessment.
Health Canada. (n.d.). Brushing and Flossing Video - Oral Health - Health Canada - Retrieved July 24, 2021, from Gniazdowski, L. (2010, March 4). Electric vs. manual toothbrushes: Which should you choose? Best Health Magazine Canada. Teeth Whitening. (n.d.). Canadian Dental Association. Retrieved July 24, 2021, from

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