Overbite vs Normal Bite: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

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An illustration showing normal bite vs overbite

Have you ever wondered what contributes to the perfect smile? You might think of straight teeth immediately, but there’s so much more to these straight teeth! How your teeth come together when you bite is pretty much everything for maintaining good oral hygiene. Having a proper bite and alignment ensures chewing efficiency, but is also important for your speech, your facial profile, and aesthetics.

In this blog, we will go through the two types of dental alignment. We will take a closer look at normal bites and overbites, and how they can affect your smile. Plus, we’ll share some tips on how you can fix alignment issues without a hassle.

So, let’s jump in!

Understanding a Normal Bite?

An illustration of a
			normal bite (occlusion)
An illustration of a normal bite (occlusion)

A standard bite or ideal occlusion is where:

  • The upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth by about 1-2mm.
  • Both the lower and upper molars fit together and help in proper chewing.
  • Pressure is evenly distributed across all teeth.

Fun Fact: Occlusion is derived from the Latin word "occludere," which means “to close” and describes how the teeth come together when the mouth is closed. A normal bite allows the mouth to function properly with minimal pressure to help ensure the long-term health of the mouth. People with normal bites are less likely to experience problems with the jaw, speech, and other gum conditions.

What is an Overbite?

An illustration of an
			overbite condition
An illustration of an overbite condition

An overbite, or Class II malocclusion, occurs when there’s an exaggerated upper-to-lower teeth overlap and the upper teeth protrude forward. This misalignment can be mild or severe, impacting both function and appearance.

Causes of an overbite:

  • Genetics: If your parents or grandparents had an overbite, you might inherit it too.
  • Prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use: These habits during childhood can push the upper teeth and jaw forward.
  • Tongue thrusting: Repeatedly pushing the tongue against the upper teeth can gradually shift them forward.
  • Jaw growth irregularities: Some people’s upper jaw grows too much or their lower jaw grows too little, leading to an overbite.

The Effects of an Overbite

An overbite is not uncommon but it can lead to many health problems. The following are some ways it could affect you:

  • Chewing and digestion problems: One of the hated things that come with a deep overbite is not being able to chew properly. When proper chewing is not done, digestive problems can arise.
  • Speech difficulties: An overbite can interfere with the tongue's movement while pronouncing some sounds.
  • Enamel wear and tooth damage: When upper teeth have gone way over lower teeth, their enamel can wear out faster. Sensitivity and chances of cavities become a real issue for such people.
  • Jaw pain and TMJ disorders: One of the serious problems associated with a deep overbite is stress on the jaw, which will probably cause jaw pain, headaches, or TMJ problems.
  • Cosmetic issues: An overbite may affect self-esteem in some patients since their smiles and the profile of their faces are affected.

In 2021, a study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that people having a deep overbite were at a higher risk of TMJ pain and more excessive enamel wear than those having a normal bite. Early intervention can often succeed in minimizing long-term complications!

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Normal Bite vs Overbitevs Underbite; A Quick Comparison

Bite Type Description Effects on Health
Normal Bite Slight upper-to-lower teeth overlap. Balanced pressure, proper function.
Overbite Upper teeth significantly jut out over lower teeth. Can cause jaw pain, speech issues, and enamel erosion.
Underbite Lower teeth overlap upper teeth. This can lead to TMJ pain, difficulty chewing, and misaligned jaw growth.

Fun Fact:Some celebrities such as Julia Roberts and Tom Cruise have had overbites! While a slight overbite may be considered aesthetically pleasing in some cultures, when it is too deep it can cause dental problems that require treatment.

Fixing an Overbite; What Are the Options?

There is no need to be too worried about your overbite because there are numerous treatments available. The kind of treatment best suited to you depends on how severe your overbite is and your preferences.

1. Clear Aligners (The Best Option!)

If you want one of the most discreet, comfortable, and effective solutions, clear aligners are a truly amazing alternative to braces. These are custom-made plastic trays that slowly and gently move the teeth back into alignment without the hassle of metal wires. They are removable, hence, it is easy to eat, drink, and maintain oral hygiene.

2. Braces

Traditional metal braces have long been a standard solution for the correction of an overbite. As you may have seen, it uses brackets and wires to move the teeth gradually into their correct position. Metal braces are very effective but are slightly uncomfortable and involve regular visits to the orthodontist.

3. Retainers

After the completion of either braces or aligner treatment, retainers are usually used to maintain the new teeth' alignment.

4. Jaw Exercises

In some cases, targeted exercises can help strengthen the jaw muscles and improve minor overbites that may be caused by poor jaw posture. This method is applied as a secondary treatment rather than on its own.

5. Surgery (For Severe Cases)

In extreme cases where the overbite presents a problem chiefly because of misalignment between the jaws, undergoing orthognathic surgery should be considered. This is typically an option for adults when their jaw structure has to be repositioned to achieve a correct bite.

No matter which treatment you choose, every approach to correcting an overbite can create an enhancement of oral health and facial aesthetics. If you are looking for a non-invasive treatment on a budget to fix your overbite, then clear aligners are the best option!

Why Choose ALIGNERCO Canada?

If you are looking for an affordable and discreet solution to fix your misalignment issues, ALIGNERCO is the one. Here’s why:

Affordable: AlignerCo offers one of the most cost-friendly aligner treatments, making a perfect smile accessible to many.

Discreet: Unlike traditional braces, these nearly invisible aligners straighten your teeth without anyone noticing.

Convenient: No need for orthodontist visits that happen regularly—treatment occurs in the comfort of your home, with remote monitoring.

Fast Results: Most users begin noticing changes in their smiles anywhere from just 4-6 months ensuring that they are well on the way to new smiles without putting their lives on hold.

Final Thoughts

Whether you have a normal bite, overbite, or any other misalignment of your teeth, the way the teeth come together is essential in terms of your oral health. There are long-term complications that can be avoided if bite issues are addressed early on. So, take that first step towards a healthier smile!


What is the difference between a normal bite and an overbite?

A normal bite has upper and lower teeth aligning properly, while an overbite occurs when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth excessively.

What causes an overbite?

An overbite can be caused by genetics, thumb-sucking, prolonged pacifier use, or jaw development issues.

Can an overbite affect oral health?

Yes, a severe overbite can lead to jaw pain, tooth wear, difficulty chewing, and even speech issues.

How can an overbite be corrected?

Treatment options include braces, clear aligners, or in severe cases, jaw surgery to realign the bite.

Is an overbite always a problem?

A mild overbite is normal, but a severe one may require treatment to prevent dental or jaw issues.


Dolghier, O. (2025b, March 4). Overbite vs Normal Bite: Differences, Causes, and Treatment. Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. https://pvpd.com/overbite-vs-normal/

Buddy. (2021b, August 10). Do You Have a Normal Teeth Bite? Here's How to Tell | Davis Orthodontics. Davis Orthodontics. https://davisorthodontics.com/do-you-have-a-normal-teeth-bite/

Overbite. (2024, June 25). Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21473-overbite

  • Victoria Bentley

    Victoria Bentley

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    Victoria Bentley est à l'avant-garde de la santé dentaire et publique, titulaire d'un baccalauréat en chirurgie dentaire (BDS) et d'une maîtrise en santé publique (MPH). Sa carrière se caractérise par un double engagement envers l'excellence clinique et la défense d'un accès généralisé aux soins de santé bucco-dentaire. Les recherches du... Read More

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  • Dr Anas Athar

    Dr Anas Athar

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    Le Dr Anas Athar est un orthodontiste très recherché avec près de deux décennies d'expérience en dentisterie. Il est le seul radiologue et orthodontiste oral et maxillo-facial à double formation au Texas, avec des spécialités en aligneurs transparents, en orthodontie interceptive, en imagerie dentaire avancée, en médecine dentaire du sommeil,... Read More

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