How to Choose the Right Night Guard Cleaner: Expert Advice

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night guard

If you wake up with a severe headache in the morning, it is time for you to wear a night guard. You might clench or grind your smile throughout the night leading to further dental complications. Good news! A night guard is here to help you out.

Just wearing your night guard is not enough, you need to maintain it as well. Multiple options are available in the orthodontic world, so selecting the right night guard cleaner might be difficult. In this blog, we will discover some tips to maintain your night guard and how to find the suitable cleaner.

Understanding a Night Guard

night guard
Woman putting on a night guard

A night guard is a dental device placed inside your mouth at night. It acts as a cushion between the jaws and prevents their contact. Night guards are commonly recommended to patients to avoid tooth damage caused by pressure or stress due to bruxism.

A custom night guard is tailored according to the size of your mouth with the help of your dental impressions. This makes sure you experience comfort throughout the night without getting irritated by the dental appliance. Custom night guards can be expensive but they offer enhanced protection and are made of durable material which lasts longer.

Do you wish to protect your smile at night? Order a customized night guard today.

Types of Night Guards

The following are the three main types of night guards, protecting your smile depending on the severity of your condition:

Soft Night Guard

A soft night guard is made of a flexible material and keeps in view your comfort. It is a 3mm EVA plastic dental product offering treatment for mild to moderate teeth grinding.

Hard Night Guard

A hard night guard is rigid and made of 2 mm PTEG material. If a person experiences severe teeth-grinding, the hard night guard is the suitable option.

Hybrid Night Guard

This type of night guard promises comfort and protection. It is a dual-layered dental product with a soft interior and hard exterior.

Benefits of Using a Night Guard

If you wear a night guard while you sleep, it offers you the following benefits:

  • Better Sleep

    Wearing a night guard improves your sleep by protecting your smile. You can sleep without fear of harming your teeth and wake up with no headaches. Therefore, to improve your sleep quality, keep your smile protected through the night.

  • Avoid Bruxism

    Bruxism is a dental term for teeth grinding and clenching. People experience two types of bruxism; sleep and awake. A major cause of this condition is stress and anxiety which lead to teeth grinding.

    When you wear a night guard, it prevents your jaws from meeting and creates a cushion between them. Therefore, it is important to keep your smile protected and wear a night guard.

  • TMJ Relief

    TMJ, also known as temporomandibular disorder, is a condition in which your jaw joints get sore. This leads to further complications such as difficulty in opening and closing the mouth and severe pain. If you hear a popping sound when you try to open your mouth, it is a sign for you to protect your smile.

    Wearing a night guard holds your jaws in place and relaxes them. This further helps in TMJ relief and keeps your smile maintained.

  • Protect Your Smile

    Severe teeth grinding can cause tooth damage and smile misalignment. What if you have undergone an expensive teeth straightening procedure but it gets affected? For this sake, wear a night guard for your smile protection.

The Right Night Guard Cleaner

Now that you are aware of all the benefits a night guard offers, you need to keep it clean for enhanced longevity. The following are some factors to consider while choosing the right night guard cleaner:

  • Safe Cleaning Agents

    When you choose a cleaner, look for the ingredients it is made of. Choose a cleaner with nontoxic or non-abrasive ingredients. As your night guards are made of delicate material, the cleaning agents should not damage them. Try to opt for alcohol-free cleaners to keep your dental product safe.

  • Easy To Use

    People with busy routines will have to spare time for cleaning. To make sure the process of cleaning a dental product is easy and quick, opt for the convenient ways. Using cleaning tablets and solutions can be an easy way to clean retainers and does not require much time.

  • Budget Friendly Cleaners

    With the progress in orthodontics, there are multiple options available in the market with different prices. Opt for the one that is budget-friendly yet an effective product. For instance, ultrasonic cleaners are expensive but last for longer periods.

Tips For Night Guard Daily Cleaning

night guard
A woman putting on a night guard in front of the mirror.

Incorporate the following tips in your daily routine to maintain your night guard:

  • Rinsing

    Before you put on your night guard, rinse it under water to remove dust particles or debris from the product. This makes sure no germ or bacteria gets in contact with your mouth, leading to proper dental hygiene.

    Each morning when you wake up and remove your night guard, rinse it under water. This prepares your dental product for the next use.

  • Brushing

    Take a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently brush your night guard. You can also use a non-abrasive toothpaste to clean it properly. Remember! Avoid brushing it too hard, as it can cause scratches on the plastic dental tray.

    As night guard remains in your mouth for the whole night, there are chances for plaque development. To avoid this condition, brushing can help you remove it as well.

  • Avoid Using Hot Water

    While you clean your dental product regularly, try to avoid using too much hot water to prevent damaging your night guard.

  • Proper Storage

    Keep your night guard properly stored and avoid placing it anywhere on the surface. This will improve the longevity of your product and promote oral hygiene.

Order Night Guard Cleaner From ALIGNERCO

ALIGNERCO cleaner and whitener for a night guard.
ALIGNERCO cleaner and whitener for a night guard.

Considering your requirements, ALIGNERCO offers a convenient and budget-friendly night guard cleaner. The following is the way it is used:

1. Apply one pump of the cleaner on the tray.

2. Place the night guard in your mouth.

3. Spit out the extra foam.

It cleans your dental product and acts as a teeth whitener as well.

Order cleaner and whitener for your night guard from ALIGNERCO.

To sum it up, a night guard keeps your smile protected, but you need to keep it maintained. Choosing the right night guard cleaner is important to improve the longevity of your product. ALIGNERCO offers an effective and cost-friendly product that helps you maintain it.


1. What is a night guard?

It is a dental product that is placed in your mouth to protect your smile. Night guards work by creating a cushion between the jaws.

2. How does the ALIGNERCO cleaner work?

Apply the foam to the night guard and place it in your mouth. Spit on the excessive foam, and the remaining will dissipate on its own

3. Are the cleaner and whitener safe to use daily?

Yes! It is specially formulated for daily use. You can safely clean your night guard with it daily.

4. Can I eat with my night guard on?

No! Try not to eat with your night guard on to prevent damaging your product. As they are made of plastic, a slight pressure can damage them and hurt your gums.

5. How often should I replace my night guard?

Severe teeth grinders need to replace their night guard after 6 months due to wear and tear of the product.

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    Jonathan Windsor

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