Can you Drink Alcohol with Braces & Aligners?

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 drinking alcohol with braces

It makes sense to be concerned about how receiving braces for orthodontic treatment may impact your social life and way of living. One frequently asked issue is whether drinking alcohol while wearing braces or aligners is safe.

As dental professionals, we are aware of your worries and are available to offer you the support you need. Using expert quotes and reliable sources, this blog delves deeply into the diverse effects of alcohol use on orthodontic appliances, looking at problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, discoloration, and plaque accumulation.

Understanding Aligners and Braces

Braces are made up of metal bands, wires, and brackets that are affixed to the teeth and exert constant pressure to move them into the appropriate alignment.

Clear, detachable trays called aligners, are manufactured specifically to fit over teeth and move them gently.

It is very important to understand how to maintain your clear aligners or braces to get the best results.

Alcohol's Effects on Dental Health

Drinking alcohol has a major impact on dental health and may have negative effects on patients receiving orthodontic treatment.

Staining and Discoloration

It is well-known that alcoholic beverages, particularly red wine, beer, and black spirits, can discolor teeth. The wearer of braces may have uneven discoloration as a result, with exposed sections potentially staining while the areas beneath the brackets remain unaffected. Dr. Jonathan Levine, a cosmetic dentist, says, “ Since the brackets create little spaces where food and drink particles can settle, staining can be more noticeable with braces.” Staining can also affect aligners. Even though they are detachable, they can become discolored and lose their transparency if they are not cleaned correctly or removed when consuming colored beverages. The orthodontic specialist, Dr. Andrew Schwartz, says,

"To avoid staining and preserve the clarity of your aligners, remove them whenever you drink anything other than water."
discolored teeth caused by drinking alcohol
Person show discolored teeth caused by drinking alcohol

Tooth Decay and Plaque Development

Alcoholic drinks frequently have significant sugar content, which may cause ?dental damage. Braces can make this issue worse by catching sugar-containing particles and causing plaque to accumulate. The dentist and bacteriologist, Dr. Harold Katz, states that “Sugar drinks, including certain alcoholic beverages, provide a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to cavities and gum disease, particularly in those with braces.”

Wearing aligners while consuming sugar-filled beverages can trap these sugars against the teeth, raising the possibility of dental damage especially for already gaped, overbite, crooked teeth, and so on.

It is advised by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) that "patients should avoid drinking sugary and acidic beverages while wearing aligners to prevent dental decay and enamel erosion."

Teeth with plaque
Teeth with plaque close-up

Gum Disease

Since alcohol reduces salivary flow and irritates the gums, it may worsen gum disease. Saliva has a vital role in removing food particles and neutralizing acids. A dry mouth from decreased salivary flow raises the risk of gum disease. Dr. Mark Burhenne, family and sleep medicine dentist, says:

"Chronic alcohol consumption can dry out the mouth and create an environment where harmful bacteria can thrive, leading to gingivitis and periodontitis.”

Keeping gums healthy is crucial for people wearing braces because gum inflammation can make orthodontic treatment more difficult. Maintaining healthy gums is essential for aligner users to guarantee optimal fit and efficient tooth movement.

 swollen gums caused by drinking alcohol
Man shows his swollen gums caused by drinking alcohol

Recommendations for Alcohol Consumption

It's crucial to abide by sensible recommendations if you decide to drink alcohol during orthodontic treatment, given the possible risks.

Users of Braces

  • Make Sensible Drink Selections: Go for lighter-colored beverages like white wine, light lager, or clear spirits blended with soda or water.
  • Moderation: Limit intake to lessen the amount of sugar and acid that is exposed to your teeth.
  • Rinse and brush: As soon as possible after consuming anything, rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth as thoroughly as you can to get rid of any leftovers.

Users of Aligners

  • Remove Aligners: Aligners should always be taken out before consuming anything but water to avoid discoloration and sugar accumulation.
  • Clean Aligners: Aligners should be cleaned before being reinserted to make sure that no alcohol residue is left behind.
  • Hydrate: To remove sugars and acids from your teeth and gums, drink lots of water.
  • Brush and Floss: After consuming alcohol, practice strict oral hygiene by brushing and flossing.

Scientific Thoughts and Studies

Staining and Discolor

Research has indicated that some drinks, such as cola and red wine, can leave a noticeable stain on dental materials. A study that was published in the "Journal of Dentistry" discovered that dental composites and natural teeth were both significantly stained by red wine. This highlights the necessity for braces and aligner users to exercise vigilance to avoid obvious discoloration.

Dental Caries and Plaque Development

According to research, drinking alcohol that contains a lot of sugar raises your risk of developing tooth decay. In the "Journal of Public Health Dentistry," a study found that people who drank sweet alcohol had a greater incidence of dental caries than people who did not. This emphasizes the significance of selecting low-sugar foods and upholding proper dental hygiene procedures.

Gum Disease

There is a correlation between gum disease development and chronic alcohol usage. A study that was published in the "Journal of Periodontology" discovered that drinking alcohol was linked to a higher risk of developing periodontitis, particularly among heavy users. This emphasizes how important it is for orthodontic patients to control their alcohol consumption to maintain healthy gums.

Answering Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Drink Alcohol with Braces?

It's possible to consume alcohol while wearing braces, but you should use caution. Alcoholic drinks can cause tooth discoloration, plaque accumulation, and tooth decay, especially if they are sugar-rich or have a dark hue. Choose lighter-colored beverages, consume in moderation, rinse your mouth with water afterward, and practice proper oral hygiene to reduce these risks.

Can you Drink Alcohol with Aligners?

Aligners can be taken with alcohol, but you should take them out before eating any liquid other than water. Drinking while wearing aligners increases the risk of tooth decay and discoloration because of the trapped sugars. To preserve your teeth and gums, wipe your aligners well after drinking before putting them back in place.

In a nutshell, it is not forbidden, to drink alcohol while receiving orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners does need to be carefully considered and done according to best practices to reduce potential dangers.

To guarantee the success of orthodontic treatment, orthodontists and other dental professionals consistently stress the significance of maintaining good oral hygiene practices and scheduling routine dental exams.

Drinking alcohol is sometimes acceptable with braces or aligners, but it should be done carefully to preserve tooth health and guarantee the success of the orthodontic treatment. You can keep your teeth healthy during your orthodontic journey by following the recommendations and receiving professional guidance.

Call us at (365) 398 5838to learn more about can you drink alcohol with braces & aligners?


1. Can You Drink Lemonade with Braces?

Due to its high acidity, lemonade can damage tooth enamel, particularly in the area around braces. It is recommended to minimize intake, rinse with water afterward, and practice proper dental hygiene.

2. Can You Drink Sprite with Braces?

Sprite's high sugar and acid content can cause plaque accumulation and enamel degradation. If you decide to drink Sprite, make sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward and use a straw to reduce contact with your teeth.

3. Can You Drink Beer with Braces?

Beer is a safer option because it is less acidic and sweet than many other alcoholic beverages. Still, it may result in discoloration and plaque accumulation. Maintain proper dental hygiene and limit your alcohol intake.

4. Can You Drink Hot Tea with Braces?

Drinking hot tea while wearing braces is usually harmless, over time it may discolor. Brush frequently and rinse your mouth with water after drinking tea to reduce stains.

5. Can I Drink Coffee Through a Straw with Braces?

Coffee stains can be avoided by drinking with a straw, which helps limit coffee's contact with your teeth. But coffee can still cause stains and plaque to accumulate, so be careful with your dental hygiene.

5. Can I Drink Soda with Braces with a Straw?

While drinking soda through a straw can help minimize direct tooth contact, there are still hazards associated with sugar and acid. It's recommended to use a straw, cut back on soda intake, and rinse with water afterward.

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