Fast-Track Your Way to Whiter Teeth: The Ultimate Whitening Solution

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The ultimate teeth whitening solution

Teeth whitening can be a necessity if stained teeth are impacting your health or confidence. The price to get in-office whitening can range from $350 to $1000. Luckily there are several other options for those who want effective whitening results without the hassle of clinic visits, wait, or the price tag.

If you are looking for quick teeth whitening solutions, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will discuss the types of teeth staining, the most popular whitening options, their advantages and limitations as well as our recommended choice and bonus tips on how to keep teeth white for the long run.

A lady checks her stained teeth in the mirror
Stained teeth have several causes

Types of Stained Teeth

Teeth stains are generally categorized into two types

Surface level stains

These stains are above the enamel. They are formed as a result of food deposits and can be removed with mild scrubbing and bleaching agents.

Deeper stains

These stains are formed below the surface of enamel and are built up with years of consistent consumption of stained food and drinks such as red wine and coffee or other factors such as health and age.

Quick Teeth Whitening Methods

There are several ways to achieve a brighter smile at your home without a visit to the dentist. We have listed the most popular ones below:

Teeth Whitening Pens

These pens contain a whitening gel or liquid, such as hydrogen peroxide, that is directly applied to the teeth. At best, teeth whitening pens will work well to give quick touch-ups, which are sometimes necessary for a busy lifestyle.


These offer a cost-effective and travel-friendly method to fix teeth stains on the go. They require minimal effort and offer precise application, sparing the gums, and are easy to use.


They don't deliver strong whitening results and are not ideal for application on all the teeth due to the low concentration of bleaching agents and less exposure time to act on the teeth. To get the most out of your teeth-whitening pens, pair them with other methods like an LED whitening kit.

Teeth whitening toothpaste
Toothpaste on a toothbrush

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

These toothpastes can be bought at any grocery store. They are formulated with stain-dissolving and mild bleaching agents that make them easy to use daily.


Teeth whitening with toothpaste is a very convenient method for mild stains. They have been in the market for decades now and are trusted by consumers worldwide.


They work well in maintaining white teeth as opposed to offering quick and intense whitening on their own. Whitening toothpaste is not effective against intrinsic dark stains and works best when paired with other whitening methods.

LED teeth whitening kit
A lady uses LED for teeth whitening

LED Teeth Whitening Kits

Teeth whitening kits like those offered by ALIGNERCO come with a complete at-home whitening solution. They provide an affordable alternative to in-office whitening and are more effective than traditional whitening methods as well as over-the-counter options.

A typical whitening kit contains gel with active whitening compounds in a tube or pen, a teeth tray, gloves, instructions, and an LED (Light-Emitting Diode) mouthpiece.

Depending on the instructions, either the teeth are coated with the gel or the mouth tray is lined with it and then placed on the teeth and exposed to LED light.


They can be used daily for up to 7 days and offer visible and intense whitening results, similar to those obtained under in-office treatments. Prolonged exposure of teeth to the whitening gel and the use of light energy which amplifies the gel action results in deeper penetration under the enamel to target intrinsic and extrinsic stains.


Due to the strength of the chemicals, some people might face teeth sensitivity when used daily for a week. It is recommended that they either skip a day or use a desensitizing gel. They require at least 15 to 20 minutes of application time and take more effort than whitening pens or toothpaste.

Buy the ALIGNERCO teeth whitening kit for only $59.99 with free delivery.

Teeth whitening strips
A lady holds teeth whitening strips

Teeth Whitening Strips

These are strips coated with bleaching agents such as a mild concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They are placed on the teeth and left to act on their outer surface for a few minutes.


Teeth whitening with strips is a widely used method due to its ease of use and affordable prices.


They don’t offer precise results and sometimes may cause gum burn. Due to the low concentration of bleaching agents, these strips don’t work on deeper stains or deliver dramatic results. They are also more time-consuming than whitening pens and require more effort compared to whitening toothpastes.

Healthy teeth for a beautiful smile
A lady smiling

Fastest Way To Whiten Teeth: Our Recommendation

If you want professional whitening results then our recommendation is to use an LED teeth whitening kit. It takes more time than teeth whitening pens, but less time than an in-office whitening treatment while giving professional results and without the price tag.

While it is possible to fast-track your teeth whitening process it is equally essential to maintain the resulting white teeth. To better understand how to maintain them, let’s look into what causes teeth staining followed by the best care tips.

Reasons for teeth staining
A tabletop with a wine bottle, a glass of spilled wine, and sliced lemons

What Causes Teeth Staining

Foods and Beverages

Dark-colored foods and beverages such as tea coffee, beets, and red wine will stain teeth. Foods such as fizzy drinks, lemon juice, and vinegar damage the enamel with consistent exposure and lead to discoloration.

Oral Hygiene

If teeth are not properly cleaned, food particles deposited on them may lead to decomposition and staining.


As we age, the enamel thins out and doesn’t repair as it does when we are young. This reveals the dentin layer underneath which is pale yellow and gives teeth the appearance of staining.

Health Conditions

Underlying deficiencies and health concerns such as lack of calcium and prolonged sickness may give teeth a discolored appearance.

How To Prevent Teeth Staining

Follow these methods to prolong the teeth whitening results you obtained. Even if you don’t undergo any whitening treatment, these methods will help in avoiding stains.

  • Brush your teeth at least teeth two times a day.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush that is not abrasive on your enamel.
  • Use whitening toothpaste at least once a day to enhance teeth appearance.
  • Avoid foods that stain your teeth, such as coffee, red wine, and blueberries.
  • Tar from smoking discolors teeth, reduce or quit the habit of smoking.
  • Gargle often, especially after meals to remove food particles from your teeth.

Remember, everyone has slightly different colored teeth. It depends on the genetics, lifestyle, and bone density of each individual.

If you suffer from any health concerns that have led to teeth discoloration, it is essential to address the underlying concerns to obtain realistic and long-term solutions.

Regardless of the reasons for your teeth discoloration, use the aforementioned methods to enhance and retain the white appearance of your teeth.


1. Why does my toddler have yellow teeth?

Teeth color varies from person to person and your child may have teeth that appear slightly pale.

2. Should I worry about yellow teeth?

If you suffer from teeth stains along with gum bleeding and mouth sores, it is a cause of concern and you should visit your dental expert for this.

3. Why do I get sensitive teeth after every whitening?

It is normal to feel some sensitivity after teeth whitening as the product penetrates into the enamel and may affect the dentin underneath. This should subside within a day or two. If you face prolonged teeth sensitivity, consult your dental expert on this.

  • Jonathan Windsor

    Jonathan Windsor

    Medical Reviewer

    Jonathan Windsor, DMD, MPhil, is a pioneering figure in the dental profession, recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to research, clinical practice, and literature. With a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree and a Master's in Philosophy (MPhil), Windsor's career is highlighted by his profound impact on contemporary approaches to oral... Read More

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