Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?

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Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth

Looking after your oral hygiene is important, and your routine shouldn’t simply consist of brushing your teeth. But it begs the question that many people ask when it comes to a specific type of candy, and that is, can chewing gum really clean your mouth? While it’s true that most chewing gum is going to be bad for your teeth because of it’s the high sugar content, sugar-free chewing gum can be good for your teeth.

The Importance Of Sugar-Free Chewing Gum

Sugar-free gum is what it says on the packet - there’s no sugar content. The taste that provides that sweetness is actually sweeteners and so you’re not going to find tooth decay a problem when chewing this type of gum. It’s important that if you’re looking at using gum as a way to protect and clean your teeth, you always want to pick one that has no sugar in it. Otherwise, you might be hindering your efforts in order to keep your teeth clean and healthy. A lot of the chewing gum that you now find on the shelves of your local grocery store or corner shop are opting for sugar-free gum because of its health benefits, but it’s always good to check before your purchase.

How Does Chewing Gum Benefit?

Chewing gum can be highly beneficial in a number of ways. It can provide you with stimulation when it comes to your salivary glands, and that in itself is essential when tackling harmful bacteria in your mouth. When it comes to having work done on your teeth, like straightening your teeth with invisible aligners, it can be helpful to chew gum in order to keep your teeth clean after you’ve just eaten. Whereas, with typical wire braces, you’re not allowed to chew gum of any kind. Your salivary glands are able to flush out any food particles in between your teeth, on your gums or tongue, and into the digestive system. By doing so, it’s preventing anything from sitting on your teeth for too long and causing potential damage to the plaque. Any food or sugar particles can also contribute to cavities, and that’s something you want to avoid where possible. That creation of saliva is therefore essential, and the more you can produce, the better for your oral health. Even if you chew gum once after every meal, you are likely going to see a significant difference. One of the other benefits that can come from chewing gum is that it can deter you from having a bad breath. Mouth wash is good for disinfection and can be useful to have in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed. However, when you’re out and about, swirling mouthwash in a public bathroom, might not be appropriate. Chewing gum can act as an alternative when mouthwash isn’t available. No one wants to experience bad breath, and so it’s certainly something that’s worth using if you are prone to it.

The Strengthening Of Your Immune System

You wouldn’t think that a strip or a small piece of gum could end up affecting your immune system in a positive way, but it can. A lot of research has been done in the past to look at the benefits of chewing and how that can improve your immune system and also protect your mouth from any infections. Simply chewing gum can help for Th17 cells, and these are really important in order to help fight off any dental infections that you might be at risk of getting. The more of those cells you can produce, the better. It can help fight off problems with cavities and can help prevent problems from escalating further that could result in additional damage to the teeth. No one wants to experience an infection of any kind, especially in the mouth and so chewing gum can be a real advantage for those who want to prevent oral infections from occurring. You’ll find that some sugar-free gums can also contain milk protein, which we’re all aware can provide the minerals needs to repair and maintain your teeth’s health. Before a cavity develops in a tooth, you still have the opportunity to reverse the tooth decay process.

Don’t Skip Out The Brushing Though

As much as chewing gum can be beneficial to providing a fresh-smelling breath and clean teeth, for the most part, you should still clean your teeth. Chewing gum is in no way an alternative to brushing your teeth because, at the end of the day, the gum is not going to perform the same way as a toothbrush will. You should be taking proper care of your gums and teeth by brushing 2-3 times a day, flossing, and using mouth wash if possible. It is also very much necessary to take a trip to your dentist for an annual check-up but to also get them cleaned regularly. With invisible aligners, it’s essential that you are keeping up with an oral routine that’s deep-cleaning. Otherwise, you could be doing more to your teeth.

Make Gum Part Of Your Routine

Your oral routine should include chewing sugar-free gum because of the health benefits that come with it. It’s a way of having something on the go that will get rid of any food particles, whilst also keeping your breath fresh. It can see you through the day until you’re able to brush your teeth in the comfort of your own home. It is best to chew once you’ve finished eating and to chew the gum for up to twenty minutes before disposing of it. This gives it enough time to help your saliva glands but to also clean up your mouth. Be sure to check with your dentist if you are allowed to chew gum as some procedures like wired braces, for example, won’t allow you to chew gum. As much as it can be beneficial, it’s not best for everyone to do. Always opt for sugar-free gum when purchasing chewing gum and add that extra element to your oral hygiene routine!

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