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Most people don't treat serious dental issues until it leads to gum disease and jaw misalignment. Whether you've got an overbite or a persistent toothache, there are plenty of signs that show that you need to get your teeth fixed fast. But you might not be so sure what a bad bite really looks like. Is your smile really something you need to fix? This guide will key you in on a few symptoms of a less-than-ideal smile. You'll find that it's not just about looks, but also about how comfortable and healthy your smile lets you feel throughout the day. So keep reading to learn more. Below, we'll explain what signs point to your need to get clear braces!
Crowded Teeth
This is the most common dental ailment that orthodontists treat. Crowding happens when your mouth does not have enough space for all your teeth. This causes them to push up against each other. What's frustrating about this condition is that even adults who had braces when they were younger can develop it. But this isn't only about aesthetics. Crowded teeth are difficult to brush and floss. Bristles are not able to get in between teeth as well as they should. Dental floss will have a harder time making its way down in between each tooth. Not flossing and brushing properly can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and more. But invisible braces can alleviate this problem and allow you to take care of your teeth as needed. Not only will people be able to see your beautiful smile, but you'll also ward off chances of bad breath and disease.
An Overbite
A little bit of an overbite is common. It might not even need any treatment. But when the overbite almost completely overshadows your lower set of teeth, then it's time to consider transparent braces. Even if your teeth are otherwise beautiful and easy to clean, too much of an overbite can cause issues. And it's more than about the way you look to the rest of the world. Too much of an overbite might cause trouble when it comes to eating or speaking. Your jaw might be overworked as it tries to compensate for its otherwise lack of ability to complete those tasks. Stiffness and chronic soreness may also occur from an excessive overbite. It can even prevent you from breathing properly since it doesn't allow your tongue to rest in your mouth as well as it should. An overbite can also cause excessive wear and tear on your teeth, which can damage your teeth and gums. Overbites can also wear away at your enamel, and a certain extent of damage can become permanent.
Another reason to get invisible orthodontic braces is too much spacing between teeth. One or two gaps might be fine, and even quite charming on many people. If that applies to you, then by all means — keep that gorgeous, unique smile! But too many gaps can have bad implications for your health. Sure, it provides more than enough ample space for brushing and flossing. However, this is also plenty of space for bacterial and plaque build-up. Too many gaps can also cause trouble when you're trying to chew and/or swallow. The discomfort that follows excessive spacing might make otherwise basic tasks very difficult. But if you've got a few charming gaps in your teeth and experience no issues, then keep up with your hygiene. You'll want to take extra care of those gaps. First, to prevent them from widening to a problematic degree. And second, to ensure that those few gaps don't welcome said bacterial growth and plaque build-up.
Mouth/Jaw Pain
So far, we've listed signs of a bad bite that are readily visible to the untrained eye. But you might be unsure of your observational skills or have less-than-obvious issues. If you're experiencing mouth/jaw pain and have no idea why, there's a chance that you need colorless braces to rectify this problem. There might be an underlying dental issue that causes this discomfort. If jaw pain is coupled with headaches, then you most likely have a bad bite. This can occur when your jaw doesn't fit together properly and often slips out of place. This can cause constant jaw tension, which produces chronic soreness and discomfort. TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) can also cause this pain. This disorder occurs when the hinge between your upper and lower jaw stops working and causes pain in the jaw joint and the muscles that control movement.
Open Bite
This is one of the less common types of orthodontic maladies. If you bite down and find that there's a gap between your upper and lower set of teeth, then you're dealing with an open bite. An open bite can cause issues with chewing and biting, as with other conditions listed above. But it can also cause speech problems, which could lower your self-confidence when it comes to social settings. An open bite can also cause excessive wear to the back teeth since it places extra tension in that area. Extra tension can lead to broken and fractured teeth due to grinding. This extra tension can also cause mouth/jaw pain that can further your discomfort.
Clear Braces for a Winning Smile
A great smile is more than about looks. It's also about health, comfort, and your ability to feel confident when you're out and about in the world. So if there's any reason you should get clear braces ASAP, do it for wellness and well-being. At AlignerCo, we know what it takes to get the best smile possible. That's why we offer quality and affordable clear braces for patients looking for exactly that. So get started with us today to get one step closer to a straighter, brighter smile!