Why Your Gums Are So Important
When it comes to the health of your mouth, your gums are extremely important. As well as looking after the health of your mouth with regular cleaning, keeping them straight, and brightening your smile, you can never forget about your gums. Even if you have cavity-free teeth that dazzle, it does not mean that you are completely immune to the gum disease. Since gum disease is usually painless, the majority of people don’t have any idea that there is actually something wrong with their gums.
What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease begins when plaque builds up along and under the gum line. Plaque, a sticky firm-like substance is filled with bacteria, and spells trouble for your oral health. Having a build-up of plaque can lead to infections that can damage gum and bone, that leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque can also cause gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of gum disease. Gingivitis can cause your gums to become:
- Tender
- Red
- Prone to bleeding
- Inflamed
- Swollen
However, since the tissue and bone holding the teeth in place isn’t impacted, the damage can be reversed and treated. As well as this you can also develop periodontitis, this is advanced gum disease. Periodontitis heavily impacts the bones that hold your teeth in place so it’s important to make sure it is looked at as soon as possible. Left untreated, it can even ruin the bones, gums and tissues connected to your teeth. The last stage of gum disease is advanced periodontitis. This is when the bone and fibres supporting your teeth re destroyed, and is where a lot of people actually lose teeth. It can affect your bite, your overall dental health, and ultimately your teeth may need to be removed. Signs that you may have gum disease include:
- Gums that are red or swollen
- Separating or loose feeling permanent teeth
- Consistently bad taste or breath
- Gums that easily bleed, most often when brushing
- Tender gums
- Gums that have come away from your teeth
The good news is that gum disease can be prevented. Let’s have a look at some of the ways you can make sure you keep your gums healthy: Gum disease is preventable. Here are a few ways you can help keep your gums healthy.
Not as many people as you might think actually take the time in their dental health routine, to make us of flossing. You should ideally. Be flossing at least once a day. It helps to remove food and the plaque that is beyond the reach of your toothbrush. It doesn’t really matter when you floss, however, you should be making sure it’s done at least once a day. Whether it’s in the morning, in the evening, or after a meal, make sure to add it to your oral health routine.
Regular Cleanings
Your dentist is the best person to detect the early signs of gum disease, especially when you see them, on a regular basis. Be sure to take regular trips to the dentist, this way symptoms can be treated before they become a more serious problem. The only way to remove tartar to have your teeth professionally cleaned. It can also help to remove any plaque that is missed when you floss and brush. If you have gingivitis, flossing, brushing, and dental cleanings can help to alleviate it and reverse it.
Stop Smoking
If there weren’t enough health beneficial reasons to stop smoking, another great reason to stop is the fact that smoking is strongly linked with the onset of gum disease. Smoking weakens your immune system, and it can also make it more difficult to fight back gum disease. Once your gums are damaged, smoking makes it much more difficult for them the heal. If you struggle to quit smoking make sure you seek help from a medical professional.
Brush Twice A Day
Everyone knows that you should be brushing your teeth twice a day, and most do. You should ideally be brushing your teeth after meals too. It helps to remove plaque, freshen you breathe, and get rid of any trapped food in your teeth and gums. You should also be scrubbing your tongue too, it’s a common area for bacteria to gather. Make sure your toothbrush fits comfortably in our mouth and has soft bristles. You should consider using an electric toothbrush, as this can help to reduce plaque and gingivitis more than manual brushing. Make sure you change your toothbrush at least every three to four months, change it sooner if it starts to fray.
Use A Fluoride Toothpaste
As for toothpaste, there is certainly an abundance of options when it comes to choice. From brands that claim to freshen breath, whiten teeth, or reduce gingivitis, it can be difficult to know which one is the best for healthy gums. The main priority that you need to stick to is to ensure your toothpaste has fluoride in it, after that the colour and flavour is down to you.
Use A Good Mouthwash
Again there is certainly a lot of options available for mouthwash. However, when it comes to looking after the health of your gums you want to make sure you opt for a therapeutic mouthwash instead of just a standard one from off the shelf. This doe mean buying over the counter, but when it comes to your oral health you can’t cut corners. Therapeutic mouthwashes can help minimise plaque, reduce or prevent gingivitis, and slow down the speed that tartar builds up, or a mix of all of these benefits. Rinsing your mouth with a therapeutic mouthwash helps to remove debris and food particles, however, it’s certainly not a substitute for brushing or flossing. Looking after the health of your gums is extremely important for your oral health. Keeping on top of dental care, flossing, brushing, and keeping an eye out for the telltale signs are all good ways for you to keep your gums healthy and your smile looking fantastic.