Neglecting your teeth can cost you - in cash & kind! 23 oct. 2020We know that our overall health is linked to our oral health. Our mouths are filled with bacteria, and this...
How to choose the right toothbrush for your kind of teeth & gums 15 oct. 2020A toothbrush is a vital tool that everyone needs to maintain good oral health and hygiene. However, if you pick...
Smiling & Its Relation To Happiness 08 oct. 2020“A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can make you feel happier” Science has shown that...
Tips To Deal With Pain During The Aligner Treatment 11 sept. 2020Most people desire to have straight teeth, and now thanks to clear Aligners, which are similar to a brace treatment,...
Visibly Beautiful Smiles With Invisible Aligners 27 août 2020If there’s one thing that pretty much all of us want to make sure of, it’s that we’re taking the...
What makes ALIGNERCO different? 19 août 2020Are you curious about straightening your teeth? Maybe you have some crooked teeth you’re not feeling confident about, or maybe...
Are Composite Fillings for Tooth Gaps the Best Solution? 13 août 2020If you're one of the 75% of Canadians that get dental check-ups annually, then it's a given that you care...
Good Choices For Your Oral Health 22 juil. 2020Healthy teeth require a whole lifetime of care and attention. Even if you have been told that you have perfect...
A Guide to NightOnly Clear Aligners 21 juil. 20201. What Are Clear Aligners? 2. What Are NightOnly Clear Aligners? 2.1. What's the Catch? 2.2. Am I a Candidate...
Habits you can kick during your Invisible Aligners treatment 17 juil. 2020With the invisible aligners available from ALIGNERCO, it's much simpler to end up with beautiful, straight teeth after three easy...
How Often Should You Change Toothbrush? 16 juil. 2020Looking after your teeth is very important, especially as we only get the one set of adult teeth, so it’s...
Cigarettes & Your Teeth 11 juil. 20201. Smoking and Your Oral Health 2. Teeth Staining 3. Halitosis 4. What Happens to Your Gums 5. Tooth Loss...